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Una nuova avventura

La dolce vita

Dare i numeri!

Movie Set Travel Agency

Comunicare, viaggiare e mangiare!

Fare bella figura

Pronti a partire?

Spaghetti, calamari e… pastella!

Tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare


Marmo di Carrara

Volere è potere!

Buon viaggio, Connor!

Santa Maria in Trastevere

Polignano a Mare

Pozzi e fagioli

Saggezza popolare

Un aperitivo con gli amici


L'oasi dei fenicotteri

Tango italiano

In bocca al lupo, Connor!

Act #8: Spaghetti, calamari e… pastella!

Narrator Opening

Ciao a tutti and welcome back, cari ascoltatori! I’m glad to be with you again and introduce Act 8. So let me bring you up to speed with what has been going on lately… Connor’s Italian relatives, as it seems, are having quite a hard time adjusting to American cuisine. We’ll see what happens one night, when Connor takes them out to dinner. Is this supposed to be a slice of pizza? Why do spaghetti with meatballs have to look so different on this side of the ocean? What a shock! Aunt Lucia can not make sense of the calamari on her plate! All right, let’s give them a couple more days to adapt to the new surroundings. In the meantime, we will learn a number of idiomatic expressions revolving around colors.

Actually… we won’t be doing just that. Right? We’ll make the most of all the learning tools available on our website. We will focus on some interesting grammar topics, such as, possessive adjectives and pronouns. A quick tip to spot them? They answer the question, “whose?”. Well, yes, we’ll also take a few grammar quizzes. This way, we’ll be able to fully enjoy the show!