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Una nuova avventura

La dolce vita

Dare i numeri!

Movie Set Travel Agency

Comunicare, viaggiare e mangiare!

Fare bella figura

Pronti a partire?

Spaghetti, calamari e… pastella!

Tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare


Marmo di Carrara

Volere è potere!

Buon viaggio, Connor!

Santa Maria in Trastevere

Polignano a Mare

Pozzi e fagioli

Saggezza popolare

Un aperitivo con gli amici


L'oasi dei fenicotteri

Tango italiano

In bocca al lupo, Connor!

Act #18: Un aperitivo con gli amici

Narrator Opening

Buongiorno, cari ascoltatori! Welcome back to our show! It’s me again, Luigi, your trusted commentator. So let me tell you what’s new around here… our friend Connor got his invitation to the gala dinner that will take place at the Italian consulate. Remember? That very glamorous event Silvia mentioned last time. Well, I’m sure you’ll also remember Connor wasn’t exactly jumping up and down at the prospect of putting on a black tuxedo and a bow tie. Yes? Well, now he’s totally thrilled and looking forward to the party! Quite the plot twist, don’t you think? But that’s not all! “Voglio stampare degli inviti simili per la cerimonia di inaugurazione della mia agenzia di viaggi”, he tells Silvia. So, if you ask me, I’d say the classy invitation card won him over!

Well, my friends, we’ll soon be attending the opening ceremony for Connor’s travel agency. So make some room in your schedule! In the meantime, let’s enjoy today’s show!