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Una nuova avventura

La dolce vita

Dare i numeri!

Movie Set Travel Agency

Comunicare, viaggiare e mangiare!

Fare bella figura

Pronti a partire?

Spaghetti, calamari e… pastella!

Tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare


Marmo di Carrara

Volere è potere!

Buon viaggio, Connor!

Santa Maria in Trastevere

Polignano a Mare

Pozzi e fagioli

Saggezza popolare

Un aperitivo con gli amici


L'oasi dei fenicotteri

Tango italiano

In bocca al lupo, Connor!

Act #4: Movie Set Travel Agency

Narrator Opening

Welcome back, everybody! Today is a big day. As I mentioned to you last time, today Connor will tell Silvia all about a special dream he’s been cherishing for quite some time now. “I want people to be able to travel back in time”, he explains to her. Cool, Silvia is intrigued, “How exactly would this work?” she asks. So, what about you? Are you feeling intrigued? Well, I think we’re ready to join Silvia and Connor. First, though, let me ask you a couple of questions... did you take some time to familiarize yourself with the words on the flashcard? Did you study the lesson available on our website? Today we’ll explore the verb avere, which, as you will know by now, means to have. We will also see how the verb avere is used in many idiomatic Italian expressions. All right. Let’s dive into the show then!