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Una nuova avventura

La dolce vita

Dare i numeri!

Movie Set Travel Agency

Comunicare, viaggiare e mangiare!

Fare bella figura

Pronti a partire?

Spaghetti, calamari e… pastella!

Tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare


Marmo di Carrara

Volere è potere!

Buon viaggio, Connor!

Santa Maria in Trastevere

Polignano a Mare

Pozzi e fagioli

Saggezza popolare

Un aperitivo con gli amici


L'oasi dei fenicotteri

Tango italiano

In bocca al lupo, Connor!

Act #21: Tango italiano

The expression a gonfie vele conveys optimism and is typically used to describe a situation where everything is going perfectly well. More specifically, this idiom can be used to refer to an interpersonal relationship or a project that is coming along smoothly, successfully, in the best conceivable way.

The phrase is, recognizably, a nautical metaphor (when their sails are filled with wind, vessels can glide over the sea quickly and effortlessly) and traces its roots back to the Latin world. The expression a gonfie vele, very popular now in colloquial Italian, seems in fact to echo the similar Latin expression pleno velo. A metaphor, this one, employed by the Latin poet Virgil in the Aeneid, the celebrated epic poem that tells the story of a Trojan hero named Aeneas, the son of prince Anchises and the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite.

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