Io mi chiamo - my name is / I am called
Tu ti chiami - your name is / you are called
Lui/Lei si chiama - his/her name is / your name is (formal) / he/she/you are called
Noi ci chiamiamo - our name(s) are / we are called
Voi vi chiamate - your name(s) are (plural) / you are called
Loro si chiamano - their name(s) are / they are called
Connor: | So, I can either say Io mi chiamo Connor or Io sono Connor. |
Silvia: | Exactly, and remember that the Italian language often drops the personal pronoun. So, when you want to know somebody’s name, you can use “chiamarsi”. È semplice! For instance, I can ask you: Come ti chiami? Which can be translated in English as: What is your name? Now try to answer my question… |
Connor: | Mi chiamo Connor! Come ti chiami? |
Silvia: | Mi chiamo Silvia! Come si chiamano mamma e papà? |
Connor: | I know that! Si chiamano Giovanna e Sean. |
Silvia: | Molto bene! Very good! Sono molto felice with our first grammar lesson, Connor! |
Connor: | So am I, Silvia! I can’t wait to learn more! |