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The Multipurpose Nature of Che and Se

Over the course of this lesson we will delve deeper into the scope and semantic nature of two monosyllables which we have already come to know in our previous lessons: che and se. Despite their formal simplicity, these are complex, multifaceted elements of speech which can play a variety of syntactic roles in a sentence. Outlined below is a comprehensive overview:


declarative che - that

Gli dirò che ho cambiato idea.
I’ll tell him I changed my mind.

causative che (informal) - since

Prendi le chiavi della macchina che andiamo a fare un giro.
Get your car keys, we’re going for a ride.
(Get your car keys since we’re going for a ride).

purpose-oriented che (informal) - that

Fai attenzione che il vaso non cada.
Be careful that the vase does not fall over.

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